
Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Joyce, 1966

      Last night while I was sleeping I dreamed in a woman, a strange woman from the 60’s. The hair cut the outfit even the necklace around her neck was pointing to one era, the sixties with no doubt. For the first time my dream was in black and white! Like an old movie.

      The woman in my dream was sitting on a balcony or something like that because I saw the tops of some cypress or pine trees swinging by the wind behind her. In the dream she was a famous person, like and actress or something like that, I thought that I am getting an old image from some old movie,especially because I watched some black and white movies lately. But my eyes didn’t recognize her face.

     Suddenly a name popped out in the screen of my dream! It was a name written in dark yellow. “Joyce” that was the name and it was followed by a number “1966”. I woke up, during the day I forgot everything about the dream, but when I came back home I just remembered all the details, so I decided to goggle it to find out what does it mean.

     I typed in Google toolbar “Joyce 1966” I found that it refers to some hurricane. I wanted to see if I can find out some other information from the name and the number rather than a hurricane. I looked at the titles that appeared to me and three or four of them was carrying the two words” Joyce…..1966” as they were related somehow together.

    I entered on of them and it was talking about a famous writer called “Joyce Carol Oates” nothing special in it I can find a million one under that name right! I started to read the article under a picture for the writer in her seventies. My eyes went looking for the number 1966 between the lines without finding any trail for it. Until I found it saying: “a new collection of 36 stories written between 1966 and 2006 is a welcome addition.” But I still wasn’t sure if it was what I am really looking for. So I decided to try for the last time, and I did. I put her name in Google –images, there was a lot or pictures for her, I kept pressing “next” until I found my lost.

        The same face, the hair cut, the same necklace, everything was the same. She maybe was in her twenties maybe. Just like my dream...

Even if it was a coincidence, I had the chance to meet a famous writer in my dreams! And maybe I will start reading for her… who knows…

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