
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

A student threatens to hit a Teacher!

Because I got a comment from my dearest friend (L) that my other blog is a little bit long (which it's! :()) I will make this as shorter as possible.

As a teacher who has to deal with teens, stepping up to each one's acceptance is impossible! I always get claims from some students about not getting a certain point, or complaining about the exam "It's too long Teacher!" they say or "It's so hard! I will fail." All of these complains are normal and they can be cured by repeating the difficult point or by encouraging them to study for the upcoming exam, but what is really hard to cure and to deal with is the bad behavior that sometimes reaches to threating the teacher of hitting him/her.

In one of the two classes I teach I have this student who I would like to call (T). T is a very intelligent student who used to get full marks at the beginning of the semester, but later he started neglecting himself and his classes. First, he stopped studying for his exams, gave up participating in class, kept forgetting his books and his homeworks till that yesterday when he couldn't stop shouting like a goat! and hitting with an iron ruler his wooden desk. I tried for two times to warn him that if he wouldn't stop what he's doing I will have to send him to the principle office, but he refused to listen. He closed his ears and pretended that I was joking with him. After extra few minutes of shouting and hammering I opened the door and asked him to leave the class, of course as all the students do when it comes to this point, he pinned himself to his chair and glued his hands on his closed book in front of him and just refused to go out. I could easily forgive him, close the door and simply ignore that behavior, but I had enough from the same act everyday so I insisted on him to leave the class and he insisted more on staying. More than seven minutes have passed and I didn't move away from the open door and he didn't move an inch from his desk, till I used my other weapon, threating him by forbidding him from coming on the final exam. When I told him that, I thought that he would feel afraid and obey me to go outside, but he increased his shouting and challenged me by saying " You can't do that! I will come to the exam despite your will."

If I let him in class after those words I would be encouraging the other students of doing the same and I would be sending a message that what he is doing is acceptable. A minute later I found myself leaving the class and heading as a raged bull towards the principle's office, I didn't have time to tell her the whole story, but I told her " T is misbehaving again, he's challenging me in front of the students, and he refused to go out from the class." The principle followed me to the class room, where she took him out with his bag. I continued my class normally.

Later in the afternoon while I was checking my Facebook page I got a message from a friend saying that she heard that T is planning to hit me tomorrow. I smiled, because I knew what I have to do exactly.

Tomorrow I will tell you if I got hit or I survived the day! hopefully! 

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